1. 1/6/2024 Los búhos viven en todos los continentes del mundo excepto en la Antártida. En las culturas occidentales, se supone que el búho es sabio, pero en realidad no es más inteligente que otras aves. Escrito e ilustrado para MissionAssist Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2024 por...
  2. 2/12/2024 Las jirafas viven en África. Son bien conocidas por su largo cuello y gran altura. Escrito e ilustrado para MissionAssist Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2024 por MissionAssist Copyright 2024 MissionAssist
  3. 1/6/2024 Ce livre, le quatrième d'une série de quatre, se concentre sur le rôle d'un animateur dans la coordination du travail d'un groupe. Autres livres de la série Livre 1 : Une vue d'ensemble Livre 2 : Formation en tête à tête Livre 3 : Apprendre en groupe Inspirée d'un article paru dansFootsteps 90,...
  4. Who do parents turn to with questions about homeschooling, whether they're novices, long-timers, or just testing the waters? Experienced homeschoolers. Who better to answer the questions arising from any serious endeavor than those who have been there, done that, and found a better way? In...
  5. 1/1/1995 This is a publication of the Information Centre for Low-External-lnput and Sustainable Agriculture (lLElA).Much of the material presented in the 1988 bibliography, however, is no longer available, or has been replaced bypublications that present a new view on the situation. Although the emphasis...
  6. This book is the only book available that surveys the variety of instructional methods used by professional cross-cultural educators and trainers. By providing analysis and/or descriptions of each method, along with examples that can be used as they are adapted to particular situations, the...
  7. Recurso clave 26/1/2012 Learning Together; The Agricultural Worker's Participatory Sourcebook This book was designed for any agricultural or livestock worker who is or will be training farmers. It is for people designing training programs, and for farmers and professionals who are trainers. This book contains many...
  8. Discover the proven, market-leading text that is a favorite among students of all backgrounds for its clear, concise treatment of international trade and finance theory. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS uses a wealth of contemporary examples and practical applications to vividly demonstrate the relevance...
  9. Here's a book about copyright for written works. It is for the entire universe of people who deal with the written word.
  10. 1/1/2008 This paper begins with a presentation of the legal framework and methods of producting information about land in Benin, before moving on to look at the complex modalities of determining, recognisingand 'translating' rights in rural and urban areas (the Rural Land Plan and Urban Land Registry). It...